Sales and operations planning (SOP) is a monthly integrated business management process that empowers leadership to focus on key supply chain drivers, including sales, marketing, demand management, production, inventory management, and a new product introduction. The SOP is the forum in which the production plan is developed


Six steps of sales and operation planning:

     Product review (in this phase of the SOP process, planners involved in R&D, product development, and a new product introduction analyze the health of products in the market, examine product pipeline, and arrive at decisions about product planning)

     Demand review (the goal of this phase is an unconstrained forecast or consensus demand planning, incorporating a holistic picture of independent and dependent demand)

     Supply review (The goal of this phase is a supply plan that syncs with the consensus demand plan.The supply plan should balance customer service and minimize inventory as well as operating costs)

     Finance review

     Pre SOP (Pre-SOP is a series of meetings conducted with leaders at various levels that showcase the connectivity of plans across product, demand, supply, and finance)

     Executive SOP (The final phase of SOP brings all plans and data together in a unified, cloud-based platform to be used in executive SOP meetings)


SOP also has several benefits such as provides a means of updating the strategic business plan as conditions change, provide a means of managing change and provides a realistic plan that can achieve the company objectives.
