Strategic business plan is a methodical process that lets the company set a goal for their future and figure out how to get there. The strategy outlines show how the businesses intend to accomplish these goals in broad terms. There are four contents that have in the strategic business plan which include marketing, finance, production and engineering.



Overall strategy for reaching out to potential buyers and converting them into potential customers for their goods or services. The company's value proposition, main brand positioning, data on target consumer demographics, and other high-level elements are all included in a marketing campaign. For instance, the product that needs to serve, the supplier for the product, plan to achieve a high level of customer service, pricing and promotion strategies.


Finance Strategy is a method for developing the Finance role in a planned manner, based on a clearly specified vision, strategy, and roadmap. It enables you to concentrate on opportunities that generate value by drawing on feedback from the market context, stakeholder perceptions, and your own performance and skills.


Must achieve the customer’s demand at the marketplace. This part can serve as the foundation for putting together a product roadmap and subsequent launches. Instead of attempting to be anything to everybody, the product approach allows the company to concentrate on a narrow target market and feature set.


It needs to make a development and design for a new product or any modification that needs to do for the product. To achieve it, engineering must work together with the marketing and production part to get information. For instance, they can know the customer’s demand if they ask production part to give a product roadmap and subsequent product release and from that they get an importance information that needed to make the modification for the product.
